Economics Socium Environment
Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development, 2020, 8 (27): 87-94
DOI: 10.37100/2616-7689/2020/8(27)/12
UDC 339.012:630.64
Olga Gamzina
Lead Economist,
Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and
Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»

Abstract: The article considers modern transformations of forestry in Ukraine, including the specifics of its integration into the market environment. It is shown that the currently formed model of forest use has led to a continuous reduction of forest resources and deterioration of the quality of their structure. It is essential to revise the current model, including the forest management system. Currently, more than two thirds of the country's forest resources are available to the State Forest Resources Agency. However, due to the gradual transfer of the entire forest resource sector to market mechanisms of work, it is necessary to provide in advance to ensure its restoration, as well as the implementation of the most acceptable format of private forest use. The main result of the study is a conceptual vision of the new management structure. Due to the fact that in the future forestry will become more and more dependent on the private sector, the new management model should include exactly those tools that will be appropriate in market conditions. Currently, the State Agency for Forest Resources of Ukraine has very limited tools for such influence. The agency, when transferring the site for use, can only control the final result. However, the actual effectiveness of such control remains extremely low. In conditions when the bulk of wood will belong to private companies, it will be problematic to establish systematic monitoring in the country. That is why an effective economic and environmental mechanism of this type of control should be created in advance. Also, the transfer of forest use in the country requires early regulation of all production stages. That is, without such regulation it will be impossible to ensure proper compliance with the law. The introduction of market mechanisms for forest use should take place simultaneously with the introduction of comprehensive rules for the use of forest resources and the restoration of forest plantations.
The main purpose of the article is to formulate the basis of a promising model of forest resources management in Ukraine. The problem is that now this area needs to be reformed and is in transition. The previous model of natural resource use in the country has led to a rapid reduction in the number of forest plantations.
Key words: natural resources, forest resources, forest use, management system, market mechanism of forest use, economic mechanism of restoration.
Language version: Ukrainian

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Article publication date: 2020
Date of online version: 2020